AMP General Donations

Your Contribution Makes a Difference

At AMP, we are dedicated to improving patient care for individuals with combined physical and psychiatric illnesses. The Association is an interdisciplinary clinical and scientific group that promotes high-quality patient care for those with combined illness, develops guidelines for services and training experiences specifically designed to address the problems of these patients, and fosters basic and clinical research in this area.

Why Donate?

  • Continuing Education: Your donation supports our continuing education efforts with our Annual Meeting & Webinars by supporting speaker engagement.
  • Student Mentoring: Support our student mentorship programs.
  • Student Travel: Support the Student Travel Award for the Annual Meeting.
  • Research & Scholarly Activity: Support the scholarly and academic pursuits of AMP Members

Ways to Give

  1. Secure Online Donation: Submit your donation securely below.
  2. Mail Your Contribution: Send your donation to AMP 4747 N 1st St Ste 140, Fresno, CA, 93726.
Total Amount
You can specify the number of installments, or you can leave the number of installments blank if you want to make an open-ended commitment. In either case, you can choose to cancel at any time.
Contact Information
Payment Note
Please note what this payment is for.